One of our premier services that we provide at ITECS is the ISO 9001 certification preparation for many companies and a successful audit and certificate issue in the end.

ISO 9001 is a set of internationally agreed standards that provide guidelines for a Quality Management System. It represents one of the standards developed and issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). They depict a set of management principles that aim at achieving customer satisfaction by delivering quality products and services. ISO 9001:2008 represents the latest version of the guidelines. The expression “ISO 9000” is typically interchanged with ISO 9001 to represent this family of standards. ISO 9000 was the grandfather of this methodology.

ISO 9001:2008 can apply to any organization, including software, manufacturing, service, or even non-profit organizations. There is no limit, up or down about the size of the company either. At ITECS, we work with many organizations, large and small, including many industry categories to assist them internally to prepare for and plan their objective to achieve ISO certification. We are well versed with the language, the principles behind the definitions and the time and commitment that it will take to achieve these goals.

As mention above, the standard can be used for any type of organization. The standard is generic and universal and is the basis for auditing. It requires top level management commitment to achieve the certification. We help organizations in preparing and planning for all stages of the audit, including documentation preparation, staff training, audit preparation, post audit correction and improvement. We are always there to help you year over year, as your needs and organization size changes, including any product additions. We interview several outside auditors to gauge their expertise, plan the schedules and follow through with their plan of audit.

Remember that the ISO 9001 standard does not determine your company